Wednesday 18 March 2020

Day 2, Thursday 19th

The Frog Prince Continued

Last week we read the story The frog Prince Continued at school. 

a) After watching the video answer the questions.

1.     How did the Prince feel at the beginning of the story?
2.    What did he think could be a solution to his problem?
3.    How many fairy-tale characters did he meet in the forest? Who were them? From which tales do they come from?
4.    Why did the prince kiss the princess when he went back to the castle?
5.    What happened at the end?

b) Now, imagine, what do you think about the new ending of the story? Draw your ideas! 

c) Choose your favourite classic fairy tale, write an alternative ending for it. Remember to include all the elements of a story (who, when, where, why). 

I can't wait to see and read your creations! Let your imagination fly! 

Just for fun, can you find all the hidden words?

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