Thursday 26 March 2020

Day 3, Thursday 26th

The Other Frog Prince

Hi there! Let's keep on working on fairy tales.

Listen to this funny story "The Other Frog Prince"

Now read the text and complete the activities below.

a. Read the text again and...

1. Mark with red all the characters in the story.
2. Mark with blue all irregular verbs (in their past form).
3. Mark with green all regular verbs (in their past form).
4. Mark with orange adjectives with a positive connotation. 
5. Mark with pink adjectives with a negative connotation. 

b. Think about the three versions of the story; then complete the chart. What do they have in common? How are they different? 

c. Which of the three was your favourite? Why?

d. Now create a comic strip of this fairy tale. Remember to include dialogues. I can't wait to see your pictures!

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